How does Ultralight 700 work?

Ultra Light 700/705/710/715nm light to target subcutaneous fat cells and create a transitory pore, allowing fatty acids and triglycerides to escape. The liberated fat cell contents are then drained by the lymphatic system and processed out by the liver as part of your body’s normal course of detoxification. The pore will naturally close itself within 48-72 hours and you’re left with significantly reduced fat accumulations.
Ultra Light 700 can also be used to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin which reduces the signs of aging, leaving you with smoother, younger looking skin:
- Slimming and Sculpting
- Chin
- Arms
- Hips
- Waist
- Tummy
- Back
- Lipo Rescue
- Rejuvenation and Tightening
- Fine Lines Wrinkles
- Smile Lines
- Crow’s Feet
- Neck Creases
- Dark Spots

Compare Technologies
- UltraSlim units provide 150W and 1 wavelength of light. Registered and FDA Released
- UltraLight 700 Therapy units provide significantly greater power with 600W and four wavelengths: 700nm, 705nm, 710nm and 715nm. FDA Released on July 11th 2017 and FDA Registered.
Cool sculpting is a form of fat loss where they freeze the cell, break it up and the body absorbs it and rids it out of the body. However, it can be a bit more expensive, it hurts, there is no guarantee, and at times it leaves patients with an unwanted lumpy, bumpy appearance. Not only that, but fat gains in other places so it will leave the patient with a disproportionate body shape if they ever were to gain fat back. The Ultra Light Therapy/Ultra Light 700® is a relaxing red light that doesn’t kill the fat cell but tricks the cell to open up channels to allow the fat content to escape, so the cell shrinks and the body absorbs the content (triglycerides and fatty acids, etc.) and excretes it naturally. There is no down time or pain and if the patient ever were to gain some of the fat back in the future, they would have an even distribution of fat.
If you are coming in for fat loss, we recommend that you come in 1x/week to get the biggest bang for the buck, but you can come up to 2x/week if you have a time crunch as long as you separate the treatment by 3 days. If you are coming in for skin tightening or hair growth, we recommend 3x/week for the fastest results.
General rule of thumb is if you want something treated, expose it. So, the less the better. For guys, it’s simple. They typically only need to take off their shirt for the regular areas treated. For women, we recommend a thong style bottom and they can keep their bra on, unless they want their upper back fat treated as well. But if you prefer, you can keep the bra on and we’ll just have you displace the material when the time comes, and we can maintain your modesty throughout the process, so you feel comfortable. White cotton sheets are also available if you prefer to be covered, and the Ultralight is powerful enough to pass through the cotton material. Just make sure when you come in that your skin is free of lotions or oils and we encourage you to clean your skin prior to your treatment to ensure the best results.
It’s as permanent as you allow it. So, yes, with poor choices after your treatments you can gain the fat back if you eat enough to support a larger frame, so this should be viewed as a jump start to a new you, but through the Ultra Light Therapy/Ultra Light 700® we can target the stubborn areas and help them reduce immediately.
Ultra Light Steps
Step 1 for ULTRA LIGHT 700 – The Initial Consultation
After being introduced to your technician they will go through a simple questionnaire with you to ensure you are fully suitable to undertake the procedure. You can explain your goals and your technician will advise what is achievable and begin to devise your personal treatment plan.
Step 2 – Measuring
Your technician will take your initial measurements and record them on your treatment plan. Pre and Post photographs will also be taken to compare with your results on the very first treatment then again on your fifth or tenth treatment.
Step 3 – The Ultra light 700 Body Slimming Treatment
You will lie on a comfortable table, covered modestly with cotton sheet, while the cold light bathes each body region slated for treating for 8-15 minutes, depending on treatment schedule. You will likely feel a comfortable warmth from the lights as they work toward releasing the fat stored in your cells.
Step 4 – Aftercare Advice
Before you leave, we will give you important after care advice with tips for getting the most out of your treatment. We highly recommend you take Milk Thistle and a non-flushing Niacin supplement during the course of your treatment. We will help you find quality products to support your program. You will be asked to stay well hydrated, drinking a minimum of 2 liters (8 glasses) of water each day following treatment. This will help to boost your body’s lymphatic system which will be tasked to expel from your body the fat broken down during treatment. Some cardiovascular exercise greatly enhances the results of your treatment We recommend doing 20-30 minutes of exercise per day. A 30-minute walk would be great!
The Ultralight700 will literally melt the fat off of your body. During your first one-hour treatment you should expect to see 2+ inches of fat-loss. If your goals are more ambitious you can continue to receive treatments until your goals are met. You will look better, be slimmer and finally fit back into those jeans that have been lying at the bottom of your closet! By using this type of therapy you will not be harming your body and you can continue to get treatments whenever you desire with no harmful side effects and no recovery time. You don’t even need to go to the gym! That being said, a proper diet will help to maximize your results and to keep weight off we recommend that you follow a healthy lifestyle.
Red light therapy has become increasing popular because of its ability to stimulate skin tissue, regenerate and improve the appearance of facial skin. During LLLT treatments, circulation is increased and fibroblastic activity, collagen production and healing are promoted. This effect has produced positive results in the increase of collagen density, improved skin tone, texture and feeling of the complexion- along with reduced roughness of the skin, wrinkles and fine lines. Research and clinical trials have shown that red light therapy is an effective treatment for a number of skin conditions such as Rosacea and acne.
Alopecia (loss of hair) is a common disorder affecting more than half of the population worldwide. Androgenetic alopecia, the most common type, affects 50% of males over the age of 40 and 75% of females over 65. Although controversial in its ability to reverse the effects of balding, controlled clinical trials have demonstrated that LLLT can promote hair growth in both men and women by stimulating epidermal stem cells in the hair follicle bulge and shifting the follicles into anagen phase (the hair growth cycle when the hair enters a state of active growth).
The Facts
Light therapy, an alternative to laser lipo, is supported by hard evidence and has been shown to be highly effective in both the laboratory as well as the real world for fat loss. By choosing Ultralight700 Center you are getting the newest, and most powerful technology available in the market place today. It works immediately and the results are permanent. You don’t have to worry about any down time and there are no unsightly scars or hidden costs. The Ultralight700 Center can change your body and your life.